The 2nd "Healthy China" Development Conference and the Traditional Chinese Medicine Industry-Education Integration Development Conference
In order to implement the "Healthy China" strategy and the Healthy China Action, the second "Healthy China" Development Conference and the Traditional Chinese Medicine Industry-Education Integration Development Conference will be held at Jiangsu Baima Agriculture International Expo Center in Lishui District, Nanjing City on October 11, 2020. The opening ceremony of the conference will be held at 10:00 am on October 11 and will be livestreamed by, please stay tuned!






余干县| 鄂伦春自治旗| 亳州市| 雷山县| 大冶市| 内乡县| 方山县| 潞西市| 鞍山市| 罗田县| 沈阳市| 梨树县| 大庆市| 浦东新区| 平泉县| 名山县| 高安市| 安平县| 铜陵市| 汝南县| 丹阳市| 班戈县| 敦化市| 常宁市| 汤阴县| 柘城县| 如东县| 宜兰市| 望奎县| 漳平市| 普兰县| 广昌县| 贺兰县| 鄂尔多斯市| 行唐县| 柳河县| 富蕴县| 汾阳市| 且末县| 科技|